Tuesday, September 8, 2015

cave of forgotten dreams

The Cave of Forgotten Dreams Film Guide

  1. When and where was the cave discovered?
    Southern France 1994
  2. Why was a door installed into the opening of the cave?
    to preserve the cave, prevent climate change from happening inside
  3. Where were the red spots discovered and how were they made?
    near the original entrance, with the palm of a hand
  4. What was the first proof that the drawings were not forgeries?
    calcite formations that take along time to grow
  5. Why did the scientist believe that the artist created the bison with eight legs?  What other possible reason do you think that this might have been done?
    to suggest movement, to tell a story
  6. What possible landmark was near the cave?
    an arch that had formed over the river
  7. Why did the filmmakers think that there might have been dancing in the cave?
    because remnants of proof of fires were found
  8. What does the presence of bones indicate?
    that humans probably only used the cave for ceremonies, and not to live in.
  9. How did they know that one person created the red dots in different parts of the cave?
    similar hand prints
  10. What animal is combined with a woman?
    a bison                            
  11. What was discovered in 2008?  What material was it created from?

  12. What was most significant about this cave to you?
    I enjoyed reflecting on how life may have been along time ago

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